The call for entries is now open for the Trenton Film Festival, which returns for its 12th year on March 26-29, 2020. The festival screens films by creators in various stages of their careers, hailing from nearby communities and from around the world. To be considered, films must have been completed after 1/1/2018.

The festival will include post-screening Q&A’s, receptions and a panel discussion that offer filmmakers a chance to share their love of film with each other and their audience members.

The Trenton Film Society is a non-profit organization which aims to entertain, educate and engage the diverse area surrounding Trenton, New Jersey through film.

Bringing together filmmakers, film professionals, and area residents of all ages and cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, the Society helps to build a better understanding of filmmaking, explore the issues and perspectives in a variety of films–from local to international–and build an appreciation of the film arts.

For deadlines and categories, and to enter, visit ☛

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