When we bring a pet into our lives, our furry friends can quickly become a beloved member of our families. From the moment we wake up in the morning until the moment we rest our heads, our pets are there to offer us friendship, laughter, and unconditional companionship. As a pet parent, it’s critical to take active steps to assure our critters are feeling and looking their best. And for pet owners looking to improve their four-legged friend’s quality of life, one of the easiest steps you can take to keep your pets thriving are making sure they’re up to date on all required vaccines and health examinations. If you’re a pet owner looking to put your pup’s health first, look no further than the Capital City for this autumn’s upcoming Rabies Clinics.

Every Saturday throughout the month of October, the City of Trenton will be hosting Rabies Clinics for dogs. Support for this program comes from the City of Trenton’s Department of Health and Human Services. In order to participate, guests should plan to bring along their city ID, as well as their pups, to take advantage of this fantastic resource. Upcoming clinics will be held at the following locations and times:

For more information on this and other available health resources in your community, please visit the City of Trenton’s Department of Health and Human Services web page, available here: Dept. of Health. If you have any questions or would like to learn more regarding the upcoming Rabies Clinics, please contact Department of Health and Human Services staff at 609-989-3332 x ext. 170. Staff will be available to answer questions Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Making sure our pets can run and play for years to come is always a worthy pursuit, so be sure to swing by to help keep your furry friends feeling their best.

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