Financial literacy is the key to unlocking a world of opportunity. By having a deeper understanding of financial goals and the tools needed to get there, individuals are better equipped to achieve their dreams and make their money work for them. This is especially true for individuals recently released from incarceration and actively looking to get back on their feet. So if you’ve recently released and looking to take the first steps on your financial empowerment journey, Empowerment House and the City of Trenton are here with all the resources you need to thrive.

Empowerment House, with the support of the City of Trenton, will be hosting financial literacy seminars on May 6th and May 20th. Both workshops will take place from 11am to 1 pm at Mercer County Community College’s James Kerney Campus, 102 N Broad St., Trenton, NJ 08608. The target population for these seminars would include 30 recently re-entered individuals released from incarceration within the last three years. If you wish to attend, please note that all reservations must be made by May 1st. For those planning to attend, please or text your first and last name to (609) 665-2143, followed by $$.

This seminar will give participants an overview of the most critical aspects of financial literacy, including:

  • The importance of financial literacy
  • Budgeting and saving
  • Basic banking
  • Credit and its importance
  • Adjusting daily spending
  • And more!

Juan Rolon, president of Empowerment House, will teach the course alongside Anthony and Tamira Ambros, associates, business owners, and financial experts.

Although financial literacy is essential for everyone, it is critically important to the recently released. Financial literacy can be one of the most significant prevention of recidivism. In an overwhelming number of incarcerations, finances were a significant factor in what led to crimes being committed in the first place. However, by having access to critical financial services, budgeting tools, and educational opportunities, financial struggles can be one less burden in building a better life. By educating the community on financial literacy, impacted individuals will have access to the tools they need to make a strong foundation, setting the course for a brighter future ahead.

This event is hosted by Empowerment House, a Trenton-based non-profit devoted to offering housing and life skills training to individuals recently released from incarceration. The services provided through Empowerment House cover various critical areas, including housing, employment, displaying prosocial skills, rebuilding and building healthy relationships, and living out their life’s purpose. In addition, the provided accommodation offers individuals a drug-free, safe environment to grow, recover, and thrive. If you’d like to read more about all Empowerment House does to support the community, please visit their website here: Home – Empowerment House.

The path to a brighter future begins with a single step, so do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of these fantastic resources. If you have any questions or want to learn more about Empowerment House’s services, please get in touch with the organization on their contact form here: Contact Us – Empowerment House. Unfortunately, space is minimal, so be sure to register today!

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