Whether you’re an employer or an employee, you know how complicated the hiring process can be. From finding the right candidate to navigating the interview process, landing a job can certainly come with some hurdles. But what if you could get job seekers and talented candidates all under the same roof? With the County of Mercer Job and Career Fair, you can.
On Wednesday, May 24th, Mercer County will host a job and career fair for county residents. The fair will be held from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm at the CURE Insurance Arena at 81 Hamilton Ave, Trenton, NJ 08611. This event is hosted by the Mercer County One-Stop Career Center, which provides comprehensive services to job seekers throughout the region. At the event, you’ll be able to speak with employers, learn more about exciting career opportunities, and network with some of our community’s best employers and candidates. Mercer works, and now’s your chance to shine!
If you’re an employer, this is just an exciting opportunity. Suppose you’ve been searching for the best candidate for the job and can’t find the proper placement. In that case, the upcoming appointment and career fair is a beautiful opportunity to connect with eligible candidates in our area. If you’re a business looking to get involved, you can register for a free table. You can RSVP by submitting the registration here: Register – Job & Career Fair. Businesses are invited to arrive at 2:30 pm to set up before job seekers come; making plans for their careers can be challenging. You certainly aren’t alone if you find yourself overwhelmed with where to start. As the workforce evolves and positions become more competitive, many jobseekers are scratching their heads, wondering what next steps to take. This is why job and career fairs are such a vital resource to both employers and employees alike. Some of the many perks of attending a career fair include excellent networking opportunities, face-to-face interaction between employers and candidates, and the ability to form connections that may serve you far into the future. So, if you’ve never taken advantage of a job fair, now is the perfect time to seize the day and see what opportunities await.
This event is hosted by Mercer County’s One-Stop Career Center, a fantastic resource for anyone seeking a job in the region. The center represents the convergence of several organizations throughout the community, all seeking to create a better, more streamlined experience for those seeking a new position. In addition to job and career fairs, the One-Stop Career Center offers several services, including academic and skills assessments, automated job matching, interviewing assistance workshops, resume writing workshops, and more. If you’d like to read more and take advantage of their fantastic resources, you can check out their website here: Mercer County One-Stop Career Center.
If you have any questions before attending, please contact Kbukosky@mercercounty.org or Iliana.Ivanov@doj.nj.gov for additional details. Opportunity awaits, so don’t miss your chance to connect with some of the region’s most promising prospects!