The Trent House Association holds the official premiere of the second of three videos on Native American history and contemporary issues, focused on the Lenape experience in New Jersey, on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 4 pm. This free showing of “Lenape Relationship with the Natural World” will be introduced by Karelle Hall who researched, scripted, and narrated the video. The program will be held in the Visitor Center at the William Trent House Museum, located at 15 Market Street in Trenton, across from the Hughes Justice Complex. Free parking and the museum entrance are at the rear of the property off William Trent Place.

“Lenape Relationship with the Natural World” explores how language shapes human understandings and interactions with the natural world. It illustrates how the Lenape continue to act on their responsibilities as stewards of the natural world and how this relationship with nature is reflected in human relationships.

Karelle Hall has recently completed her doctoral studies in anthropology at Rutgers University. She is a member of the Nanticoke Indian Tribe of Delaware where she is actively engaged in language revitalization. She is a frequent speaker on Native American language and culture of the region. Her research has been supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, American Philosophical Society, and American Ethnological Society. Her work on this video was funded by a grant to the Trent House Association from the New Jersey Council on the Humanities.

The William Trent House Museum is a National Historic Landmark in the Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area and on the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail. The Museum is dedicated to sharing the authentic history of the house, property, and people with our communities, connecting the past with today and tomorrow. Owned by the City of Trenton, it is operated by the Trent House Association, which is supported by the generosity of its donors; by grants from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, the New Jersey Cultural Trust, the New Jersey Historic Trust, the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission with funding from the New Jersey Historical Commission, and the Bunbury Fund and the New Jersey Arts & Culture Renewal Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation; and by contributions from NJM Insurance Group and Orion General Contractors. For more information, visit

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