On Tuesday, January 14th, the New Jersey State Library invites you to tune into their upcoming webinar, “The Many Faces of Brain Injury: Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Mental Health”. This conversation is perfect for both those impacted by brain injury, as well as those curious to learn more about brain health. The conversation will take place from 12pm to 1:30pm on Zoom. As with all New Jersey State Library webinars, the afternoon’s events are completely free to attend.

For those interested in tuning in, please register in advance by completely the enrollment form on Zoom, linked here: Register – NJSL. As this is a virtual event, guests do not need to be physically present at the New Jersey State Library in order to attend. The host for the afternoon’s events will be Kim Myers, who will be representing the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey. By the conclusion of the webinar, attendees should have a better grasp on the causes of brain injury, as well as the measures one can take to prevent them.

Throughout the webinar, guests will be informed regarding various brain injuries, their causes, symptoms, and potential consequences. In addition to these informative insights, guests will also have the opportunity to learn more about how to best protect both themselves and others from sustaining brain injuries in our day to day lives. While every patient, caregiver, and experience with brain injury will be unique to each individual’s journey, this important and empowering conversation is a vital resource for anyone looking to better protect the health and wellness of their loved ones this year.

Your host for the afternoon will be Kim Myers, a community outreach specialist with the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey. Ms. Myers holds bachelor’s degrees in health science and public health from Stockton University. With extensive experience in developing and facilitating community programming on diverse health topics, Myers aims to empower individuals of all ages to lead healthy and fulfilling lives, fostering a better and more connected community. For more information and available resources from the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey, please visit their website, linked here: BIA of NJ – Home.

For more details about this event and other upcoming New Jersey State Library activities, visit their website: NJSL – Home. If you have any questions or require any help registering for the upcoming conversation, please contact the New Jersey State Library at (609) 278-2640 for further assistance. There’s no greater time than the New Year to take a better approach to brain health, so be certain to enroll for this educational afternoon.

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