HomeFront, which works to end the cycle of poverty in areas like Trenton and throughout Central New Jersey, announced the availability of its heartwarming holiday greeting cards filled with emotional and endearing art designed by homeless and impoverished artists. Now available for purchase, these memorable expressions will make you “feel good twice for the holidays” by offering heartfelt greetings to family, friends, colleagues and clients while, at the same time, supporting a local initiative to help end homelessness.

HomeFront’s therapeutic art program, ArtSpace, is an inspirational art studio located within HomeFront’s Family Preservation Campus; a facility that offers a serene safe-haven for homeless families. The spacious studio provides a warm, light-filled environment that invites creativity, encourages exploration, and ultimately cultivates a love and appreciation for art. Created by ArtSpace clients under the supervision of Homefront’s ArtSpace Director Ruthann Traylor, each greeting card incorporates the work of individuals who have been touched by poverty, homelessness and abuse.

“The unique perspective and history of the artists shines through in their work,” said Traylor. “In the end, the women who created these cards can’t believe their work is part of a product that can be sold,” she noted. “It helps them build the self-esteem they need to move forward.”

HomeFront Executive Director Connie Mercer believes the skills the artists learn during the process of creating the cards are essential to self-sufficiency. “They learn the value of sticking with a project and bringing it to completion — in this case, taking their art from drawing through painting to scanning it into a computer, and printing and boxing the cards,” she added. “Many aspects of this project relate directly to skills our clients need to get from shelters to permanent housing.”

Custom cards, featuring a selection of 35 original designs, as well as packaged cards are available. Cards can be ordered online at www.homefrontnj.org/artspace and through many area outlets. Proceeds from the sale of these cards helps to fund programs for the families served by HomeFront’s multifaceted initiatives.

HomeFront provides emergency shelter with intensive case management and affordable housing for families; tutoring and enrichment programs for children; and life skills and self-advocacy training for adults. Since 1991, the organization has helped homeless families to build lives of self-respect, stability and independence by using a comprehensive and holistic approach to ending homelessness in Central New Jersey. HomeFront has become a sophisticated social service agency able to address material needs for shelter, food, and clothing. It has established effective programs to help parents develop educational, vocational and life skills while also opening the world and all its wonderful possibilities to their children. For more information about how you can help, visit www.homefrontnj,org or call (609)-989-9417×137.

For more information, please visit www.homefrontnj.org/artspace or email Artspace@homefrontnj.org.


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