On Saturday, November 21, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Project M.O.V.E. (Making Our Visions Evident), The Top Ladies of Distinction-Trenton Chapter and Peterson’s Breaking News of Trenton distributed hot meals to residents in the city that are in need at Unity Square Park, formerly Columbus Park in Trenton.

“We are excited to make this happen for the city,” said Crystal Feliciano, the event organizer.  “It is always good to take a moment and give back to the community especially when times like the holidays can be very hard for some; we just want to do our fair share and let the people know there are people out here that care for them.”

During the 3 hour event, community members of Trenton waited patiently in a line wrapped around half of the park for fresh meals. In an assembly-line fashion, each recipient was handed a styrofoam to-go container and directed to each serving station.

Volunteers and members from all supporting organizations maned specific foods and served rationed portions to the locals. The hot meal consisted of chicken, dinner rolls, corn, green beans, rice, meatballs, and more.

“We are very grateful for Mayor Gusciora and his Administration as well as the different sponsors, organizations and residents that will be assisting on Saturday,” said Coreen Grooms, President of The Top Ladies of Distinction- Trenton Chapter.  “Commissioner Nina Melker, Mercer County Sheriff Jack Kemler, Tkay Kelly, Sachdeep Aurora and Moms Demand Action – Mercer County have been wonderful in helping us gather the items together and we have a host of awesome volunteers that will help us serve.”

Thomas Peterson, known for Peterson Breaking News, is typically spreading awareness of these events with the Trenton community. However, during this act of community service, he is excited to be involved directly for a change.

Peterson said, “What’s exciting for me is most times, I am out covering the news and now I have the opportunity to stop and give back in a different way to my community and I am proud to be a part of this especially in these hard and challenging times.”


Volunteer handing a styrofoam food container to a child
The assembly line of volunteers waits to serve upcoming families
Volunteer filling a food container with rice
Volunteers serve the consistent line of Trentonians
Crystal Feliciano helping to serve the community
Volunteers offering a bag to carry food
Volunteers filling containers of food for the community

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