Low income families who experienced hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic may now qualify for the City of Trenton’s COVID-19 Emergency HOME Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Program.
The program will provide one-time payments of up to $3,000 per qualifying household to help pay past-due and/or upcoming rent and utilities from April 1 through December 30, 2020.
TBRA, which is funded by US Department of Housing and Urban Development HOME Investment Partnership Program, opened its application on October 30, 2020. Residents have until November 18, 2020 to apply.
In order to be eligible, renters must meet the program’s criteria. You must rent an apartment or house in the City of Trenton; have been a resident of the City of Trenton for at least three months prior to the application for assistance; have a valid current written lease signed by the landlord; must be current on rent payments up until the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic – March 13, 2020; have been employed at least half-time (20 hours per week) prior to being furloughed or laid off; must be able to document a financial hardship that is directly related to COVID-19; have a household income prior to March 13, 2020 that was at or below 60 percent of the City of Trenton Area Median Income and must be a US Citizen or have eligible immigration status.
To apply for the TBRA program, visit: WWW.ZOOMGRANTS.COM/ZGF/TRENTONTBRA.
For more information on the TBRA program, visit: WWW.TRENTONNJ.ORG/TBRA