Law enforcement is a hot topic; whether on TV or in the news, policing is an essential subject of discussion in our society. However, because this can be such a divisive issue, many communities feel a sense of tension when interacting with their community’s law enforcement. To connect with our city’s residents and provide citizens with a clearer picture of the work police do in our communities, the Trenton Police Department has announced this year’s Citizen’s Police Academy.
The Citizen’s Police Academy is a 10-week program designed to allow Trenton residents to understand law enforcement better. By hosting the Academy, the TPD hopes to build bridges and form lasting relationships with the community. To participate, you must be at least 21+, be a resident of Trenton, and have not been convicted of a crime. There is a limited number of slots available for participants. Applications are available by emailing Detective G. Pena at or Detective T. Veal at Applications can also be picked up at Trenton Police Headquarters. The deadline to apply is Friday, February 10, 2023.
Sessions will begin on Wednesday, March 1, from 6:00-9:00 pm. Classes will be held at the Trenton Police Department headquarters at 225 N. Clinton Ave., Trenton, NJ 08609. The three-hour sessions will be held for ten weeks and provide citizens with essential insights into the day-to-day lives and duties of our city’s law enforcement. If you’re committed to your community and want to learn more about how to keep it safe and thriving, this is a beautiful opportunity to get involved. Please note that this is not an accreditation process and cannot be used to become a sworn police officer. This program is entirely free to participate in.
Participation in the Citizen’s Police Academy is an engaging and educational way to learn more about the laws that dictate the structure of our communities. According to research published in the journal Law and Order, participation in a Citizen’s Police Academy can “enable the residents of a community to become more familiar with the day-to-day operations of their police agencies; to understand better the procedures, responsibilities, guidelines, policies, and laws that guide police decision-making; and to become better informed about the actual role of the police.”
Regardless of your reason, we can all benefit from a better understanding of the people, rules, and regulations that help keep our community safe. Building relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve can be a vital tool in breaking down barriers and unifying our city. If you’d like to learn more about the department, additional details are available here: TPD – Home. Registration closes on February 10, so if you are interested in applying, please submit your applications as soon as possible. The Citizen’s Police Academy is a great resource to connect with law enforcement and be part of a meaningful conversation, so do not miss the chance to apply today!