Greater Trenton, in association with the City of Trenton, Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber of Commerce and Trenton Downtown Association, will host a Webinar on Monday, April 20th at 2:30 p.m. focused on providing COVID-19 relief information for businesses in Trenton, New Jersey. This session is only for those who own or operate a business in the city of Trenton. Find detailed information at
The City of Trenton recently launched The Trenton Business Emergency Loan Program and is now accepting applications for low-interest loans to Trenton businesses to help them remain in business and protect jobs. While the $2 million loan fund provided by the City of Trenton in response to the COVID-19 crisis is restricted to Trenton businesses within the Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ), additional funding opportunities for ALL Trenton businesses may be available through New Jersey Community Capital and other sources. In addition, businesses outside the UEZ are still encouraged to complete an application with the city in the event that additional unrestricted funds become available.
Featured speakers:
- George Sowa, Chief Executive Officer at Greater Trenton
- Eric Maywar, Economic Development Specialist for the City of Trenton
- Tom McGough, UEZ Coordinator for the City of Trenton
- Marie Mascherin, Chief Operating Officer at New Jersey Community Capital
Find detailed information at