Both children and adults currently enrolled in a licensed day care facility may qualify for free meals through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).

This federally funded program will be reimbursing sponsoring agencies that provide healthy meals and snacks to members of approved day care facilities and family day care homes. If enrolled, meals will be available at no separate charge and served inclusively to all who participate with no regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin or disability.

CACFP is a federal program apart of the Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). With this program, the government seeks to improve the quality of day cares by providing meals for those in low-income families.

The program itself wants to promote nutrition through well-balanced meals and healthy eating habits. By enforcing these habits, CACFP hopes to inspire participants to become caretakers of their own nutritional patterns.

To determine your eligibility, the program offers an Eligibility Income Scale which calculates family size, yearly income and reduced yearly income:

To learn more and find out if you qualify, visit the following link:

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