“What makes a city great is that you have a mix of old projects and history along with fun and new development,” said Trenton architect and resident John Hatch. Hailing from the Trenton based architecture firms Clarke, Caton, and Hintz, along with HHG Development Associates, Hatch is an architect who specializes in historic preservation design and the adaptive re-use of historic structures. Given Trenton’s rich historical architecture, housing stock, and new projects like Roebling Lofts – an exciting apartment development boasting an occupancy rate of 75% – Hatch is proud to proclaim that Trenton has some truly dynamic qualities.
Hatch is proud to call Trenton home for the past 30 years as of August 2018. He originally settled in Trenton to work at Clarke, Caton, and Hintz, which has operated in the city for the past 40 years. With the intention of staying only a short time, he changed his plans and has remained at the firm for the past three decades. Why? The appeal of the city’s architecture and the opportunity to showcase his work. Hatch expanded on his work by helping to establish the firm HHG, which is operated by himself along with two other Trenton residents. The firm focuses specifically on redevelopment projects in the city of Trenton.
Hatch discussed how Trenton boasts neighborhoods with strong architectural history and exciting new development like Mill Hill and Chambersburg. He views these neighborhoods, their housing stock, and walkability as “an asset to Trenton.” Other key assets include its strong neighborhoods and human capital. “If the region is going to grow, it’s going to happen in Trenton,” added Hatch.
Hatch notes how this can be exemplified with recent examples in Trenton’s housing market, particularly the trend of millennials, empty-nesters, and individuals from the surrounding suburbs moving into the city due to its historic appeal.
To learn more about John Hatch and his work at Clarke, Caton, and Hintz or HHG visit http://www.clarkecatonhintz.com/ or http://hhgdev.com/.