From January 19-25, HomeFront will hold its 3rd annual Week of Hope with family-friendly events designed to show people in the community how they can make a big impact in the lives of struggling local families. The community can get involved through the following activities and areas:
- Diaper center or food pantry
- Reading to children
- A bus tour of Trenton
- A giant mural painting event for artists of all ages
- Tours of the Homefront Family Campus or its headquarters
- A coffee with HomeFront’s CEO and COO to learn about the organization and what the future holds

The community is also invited to come out to a very special evening, Night of Hope Open House at the Family Campus, featuring music, tours, and refreshments. Art, poetry and short plays by HomeFront clients will be featured as well. All of the week’s activities will provide opportunities to get more involved, becoming knowledgeable about the state of poverty in Mercer County, and be aware of how to most effectively help families who are homeless or living below the poverty line.
“The feedback from families and people of all ages about our last two Weeks of Hope and the joys it brought into their own lives was so positive that we are really excited about WOH 2019!” explained HomeFront Founder and Executive Director, Connie Mercer. “ From its very beginning almost thirty years ago, HomeFront has basically been a local volunteer effort, a classic example of neighbor helping neighbor. That kind of action is definitively American and transcends all political discourse.”
HomeFront provides food, shelter, education, job-training, emergency aid and an array of children’s services and supports for local families who are homeless or at-risk of becoming so. To learn more about how to make 2019 a special year for you, your family and those waiting for what you can bring into their lives, sign up for Week of Hope events today at, email, or call 609-883-7500 x329.