A nonprofit organization and popular after-school program, the Trenton Circus Squad brings the circus to inner-city children in a two-fold effort to teach them performance and circus skills, while also building life skills like self-reliance and confidence.

The squad works with Trenton children, ages 6-18, and the goals of the organization stretch way beyond circus skills. The organization hopes young people in the squad will “become role models for younger youth in their community, enrich their communities through joy-inspiring performance, commit to making a long-term difference in their community and develop the relationships and skills they need to achieve their goals.”

The main objective of the Trenton Circus Squad is to teach children life skills that will benefit them well into the future. It also provides children ages 12 and up with the opportunity to serve their community through teaching and performing. The organization’s website reports that, through their program, “youth from inner-city Trenton and surrounding suburbs learn how to cooperate, push themselves and serve their community – all through the astonishing practice of circus arts.”

One child who participated in the Trenton Circus Squad said, “Sometimes when people come in, they are not smiling, and when they leave, they have a smile plastered on their face.”

The Circus Squad enriches the lives of the many children in the program, bringing smiles to their faces, too.With an opportunity to have fun in a safe environment, performing with the Trenton Circus Squad unleashes a strong sense of confidence in these children. During the show, children in the squad perform many circus tricks, such as stilt walking, trapeze, juggling, acrobatics and slapstick.

Trenton Circus Squad members experience joy not only from performing, but also through teaching the community circus tricks they have learned. Afterwards, the children teach the audience some of the tricks seen in the show!

The Trenton Circus Squad program is free for participants, and the program runs solely on donations.However, many of the families with children who have participated in the program are donors, as well. Donations to the Trenton Circus Squad are accepted through the organization’s website where you can also learn more about the organization and view the schedule for upcoming performances and events.


Website link: https://www.trentoncircussquad.org/

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