Today, December 15, 2020, the first COVID-19 vaccination in the state of New Jersey will be administered at Newark’s University Hospital. According to Governor Phil Murphy, it is a “momentous day.”
Gov. Murphy took to twitter yesterday to announce the news tweeting, “Our heroic frontline health care workers will receive the first #COVID19 vaccinations in New Jersey at @UnivHospNewark.”
According to his tweet, Gov. Murphy will be there to inspect the Vaccine Clinic at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School along with President Shereef Elnahal and Robert Johnson, Dean of Rutgers NJMS and Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli, University Hospital CEO.
“We’re honored to deliver the first COVID-19 vaccine in NJ to one of our health care heroes at University Hospital,” said Elnahal via Twitter.
Gov. Murphy said in a recent press conference that the state has received “roughly 76,000 vaccines doses” thus far. According to abc7, 20,000 of those vaccines will be going to long-term care facilities and the rest will be divided between six different hospitals, including the facility where the first vaccination will be administered.
“It’s a day we’ve all been waiting for,” said Gov. Murphy. “It is a day of hope and optimism for getting to the other side, but it is not the end.”
Although it is a groundbreaking day in medicine, Gov. Murphy has been stressing the importance of caution. In a follow up tweet, he said, “The number of new infections and hospitalizations will not magically return to zero because we’re about to provide our first vaccinations.”
He continued, “To reach “herd immunity” among adults, we need at least 70% of New Jersey adults to be vaccinated – roughly 4.7 million of us.”
Currently, New Jersey has reached a recent spike in positive cases of COVID-19. As of yesterday, the state has seen 4,805 new cases. That brings the total number of COVID-19 cases in the state of New Jersey to 405,448 since March 4, 2020.
As the country continues to fight through the so-called “second wave” of the pandemic, the Governor warns New Jerseyans to continue following CDC guidelines and taking safety precautions.