If you’ve ever wondered about whether working in the healthcare industry could be right for you, you can find out today, December 10th, at the Mercer County One-Stop Career Center at 26 Yard Avenue, Trenton, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Designed as a wide-ranging informational gathering, the session will discuss career opportunities and education alternatives will be presented. Tuition assistance may be available for qualifying applicants. Healthcare professionals and employers will be pleased to answer your questions.

You will be able to learn about the Certificate Programs in a host of key healthcare positions, including certified Nurse Aide, Certified Home Health Aide, Electronic Health Records Specialist, EKG Cardiac Telemetry Technician, Medical Administrative Assistant, Medical Billing and Coding, Patient Care Technician, Pharmacy Technician, and Phlebotomy Technician. These are well-paying jobs in an professional industry that will always be in high demand.
The Healthcare Career Awareness Information Session is sponsored by Mercer County in partnership with the AmericanJobCenter network. For more information, please call Susan Rauscher at 609-989-6055 or email her at srauscher@mercercounty.org.