The eighty-member Capital Singers of Trenton (CST), under Artistic Director and Conductor Vinroy D. Brown, Jr., will perform a variety of classical and modern pieces that celebrate the winter season on December 8, 2019 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church (343 South Broad Street in Trenton).

Featured selections with orchestra will include Suite One of Robert Shaw’s “The Many Moods of Christmas,” Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus,” and the Vivaldi “Gloria.” Additional selections will include Taylor Davis’s “Amid the Cold of Winter,” and Graham Preskett’s arrangement of Patrick Doyle’s “Non Nobis Domine,” among others.
Performances by the larger chorus will be complemented by selections performed by its smaller auditioned Chorale ensemble, including Herbert Howells’ “Here is the Little Door” and R. Nathaniel Dett’s “Ave Maria.”
Capital Singers of Trenton started in the spring of 2006 as a select group of mixed voices under the leadership of Richard M. Loatman. A non-sectarian, non-partisan, semi-professional chorus, CST maintains its commitment to promoting the art of choral singing, enriching the cultural life of New Jersey, and serving as a goodwill ambassador for the city of Trenton. At its’ inception the ensemble, augmented by the 50-plus members of Trenton Community Singers, provided concerts, special performances, and community outreach throughout the New Jersey Capital Region and Bucks County, PA. Now in their fourteenth year, the groups continue as CST, and CST Chorale. Under the direction of Artistic Director and Conductor Vinroy D. Brown, Jr. they perform a repertoire of sacred and secular choral works that reflect various musical styles and historical periods.
For more information, and to register, visit: