Attention all Trenton residents! If you want to get paid and help your community along the way, exciting opportunities are available to contribute to research right here in the Capital City.

The East Trenton Collaborative, in collaboration with Lead-Free NJ and Rutgers University, is currently seeking applicants to assist with in-person research throughout Trenton. For $25 an hour, you can conduct critical lead-in soil testing to help your community achieve a lead-free neighborhood. To qualify, candidates must 1) be at least 16 years of age, 2) live in Trenton and 3) attend a full training session.

If selected to participate, you’ll have the opportunity to complete in-person training to help you get prepared for the research ahead. Once you’re ready to start, you’ll have the chance to collect soil samples and schedule blood level lead tests. You will also be tasked with enrolling community members to participate in the study. Through your contributions, you’ll have the chance to gain meaningful research experience and help get your neighborhood closer to lead-free status, all while getting paid along the way! If you’re interested in participating in this important work, registration is available here: Register – Community Research.

Why is lead identification and remediation so important? As it turns out, the answer is something that will impact generations to come. Lead poisoning presents a serious risk to those exposed and can result in various detrimental health outcomes. For example, according to the US EPA, children who are exposed to lead at a young age can experience several cognitive and developmental impairments, including lower IQ, hyperactivity, behavioral and learning problems, anemia, and more. Lead exposure can also affect adults, including cardiovascular concerns, decreased kidney function, and reproductive issues. The sooner that lead can be removed from a community, the sooner these health disparities can be reduced or eliminated.

Trenton as a whole has a vested interest in this work, as many of its residents are still grappling with the long-term impact of being exposed to lead in our community. That is why the minds at the East Trenton Collaborative (ETC, Lead-Free NJ, and Rutgers University have joined forces to help correct and prevent lead exposure in the Capital City. The ETC has consistently been a fierce advocate for a lead-free community and works tirelessly to help make this vision a reality. Through their efforts, the ETC, in alliance with community partners, has successfully registered 65% of owner-occupied properties to replace their lead pipes. Changes happen daily in Trenton, and thanks to these efforts, we are one step closer to a happier, healthier future.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more before getting started, please contact the East Trenton Collaborative at for further details. A lead-free community begins with us, so don’t miss the chance to do your part!

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